Introducing the iOS 12 Launch Party! | Ray Wenderlich

I am interested in Advanced iOS App Architecture.

Iā€™m still torn over which to read first: iOS Animations by Tutorials or Data Structures & Algorithms. I need both (well, all the books, really :slight_smile:) to reach the next level of iOS mastery!

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Looking forward to Design Patterns and machine learning.

How can you decide which one to pick :smiley: But letā€™s go, my roadmap is advanced architecture (to reduce clutter and dependecies O usually have), data structures, notifications, debugging, machine learning, arkit (i love! Arkit).

It all looks great but Iā€™m especially excited for Advanced iOS App Architecture.

Looking forward to Advanced iOS App Architecture!!

Advanced iOS App Architecture looks decent

Favorite book is the Core Data one. Couldnā€™t grasp it elsewhere.

Iā€™m really excited about Push Notifications and Advanced iOS App Architecture.

I am most interested in the Machine Learning book.

I torn up between the advanced iOS App Architecture and Machine Learning!

Looking forward to the push notifications book :slight_smile:

I am looking forward to reading the Advanced iOS App Architecture book.

Awesome! Cannot wait for the updates!

Very curious to learn more about Push Notifications in the new book!

Iā€™m interested in the Advanced iOS App Architecture book.

Oh, man. I need that ā€œPush Notifications by Tutorialsā€ book.

Definitely ā€œMachine Learningā€ book. Not only IPhones have dedicated neural chips for last couple of releases, they have quadrupled in cores for the newest ones. This alone shows it is a ā€œmustā€ to get at least some familiarity with the topic.

One of my favourites is Design Patterns by Tutorials, Second Edition.

Machine Learning by Tutorials.
Advanced Apple Debugging & Reverse Engineering