Introducing the iOS 12 Launch Party! | Ray Wenderlich

Hi, my preferred book is the one about Push Notifications

Most interested in Advanced iOS App Architecture and ARKit. Most likely picking up both.

Interested in the Machine Learning by Tutorials, it will also be interesting to read the second edition of Design Patterns by Tutorials.

Keep up the good work!

Any general iOS 12 by Tutorials book planned?

Machine Learning by Tutorials seems really interesting!

The machine learning seems really interesting. Is it just IOS or are some of these ML API’s available on Mac OS ?
Looking forward to IOS 12, and the launch party.


I’m interested in a lot of the books like Core Data, Machine Learning, and especially Push Notifications!

Really looking forward for the ARKit book! I think it’s very a interesting topic and can be used in a large variety of ways.

Looking forward to Machine Learning and Push Notifications!

I can attribute most of my iOS learnings to the amazing team at Ray Wenderlich. I wouldn’t be a developer that I am today without going through the tutorials on this site.

I am most excited about Machine Learning by Tutorials (NEW!) and ARKit by Tutorials, Second Edition. I have no knowledge of machine learning and I am really excited about learning it. I have very naive understanding of ARKit and hoping the booking will help me get better at it.

ARKit by Tutorials, Second Edition sounds like the most interesting

Courses and Books are my go to. I wouldn’t have been a successful iOS programmer without all your wonderful courses and tutorials. Keep being awesome.

I am interested in Push Notifications by Tutorials, Advanced iOS App Architecture, Design Patterns by Tutorials, Second Edition and Data Structures & Algorithms with Swift.

:raising_hand_man:t2::raising_hand_man:t2::raising_hand_man:t2: All books please! Advanced iOS App Architecture book sounds awesome!! :moneybag:

I’m interested in the Machine Learning and Push Notifications books that you’re going to release! Great topics to pick

RW books and tutorials are the first ones to let me truly feel I own the knowledge of what I learnt! Their mix of theory and practice is sublime!
I can’t wait for the Machine Learning book!

Thank you all!

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I am extremely excited about the Machine Learning by Tutorials book! I have been teaching myself machine learning, and would this book!

Excited for Machine Learning by Tutorials!

Looking forward to Machine Learning and AR Kit!

I’ve been really enjoying the Data Structures and Algorithms in Swift book.

Push notifications seem interesting but machinelearning is calling me time ago. mmmm, this web is wunderbar!