Introducing the iOS 12 Launch Party! | Ray Wenderlich

iOS 12 drops next week, and to mark the occasion, we’re launching our biggest celebration to date, with three new books and tons of updated books and courses!

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

I’m most interested in the Push Notifications by Tutorials book.

Can’t wait for Machine Learning by Tutorials!

I’ve long been a fan of iOS Apprentice. I use the first chapter to give my high school students a taste of iOS programming - some of them are now iOS developers.

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Can’t wait for Machine Learning book.

I’m definitely interested in the Push Notifications by Tutorials book! Would be super handy for a project here at work…

I am mostly interested in Advanced iOS App Architecture

My most favorite will ever be iOS Apprentice because it brought me into programming for iOS :slight_smile:

I always wanted to learn machine learning. Its seems so much fun

I’m excited about the new Push Notifications book!

Machine Learning by Tutorials. Because it has a promising future. :blush:

Looking forward to learning about Machine Learning. Who isn’t excited about Machine Learning?!

Wow, this is amazing! I haven’t realized how many new books are coming.
I’m definitely eyeing Advanced iOS App Architecture once I’m done with the one.

Came here looking for details on an actual party. lol.

I can’t wait for the new machine learning book!
I always wondered why there was no book about ML!!

Really interested in the new Advanced iOS App Architecture book - can’t wait for this one to be out !!

I’m most interested in “Machine Learning by Tutorials”.
Cheers to all!

I’m the most interesting in Design Patterns by Tutorials, Second Edition

Im excited for the AR Kit book and im still excited for the apprentice collection.

I’m really interested in the Data Structures & Algorithms with Swift!

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Looks like it’s going to another great year!