Update to Vapor 4

I’m heading into Section II now (web client + Leaf) and I just want to clarify before I get too deep into it - will this section be substantially updated in the next release or am I safe to proceed?

It will be substantially updated since leaf 4 changed many things.

Ok, thanks.

Hopefully it comes out soon as I don’t want to break momentum too much!

Any updated ETA for the final version? Looking back on the thread it was last expected in February and we are nearly through March.

The full release is scheduled for release on Wednesday


Oh, man! This is great to hear! I know you’ve been catching a lot of… criticism for the schedule of the re-write, but I just wanted to say how much I’m enjoying going through this book. It has been an absolute joy and there are several aspects where I thought to myself “Well, yeah he covers X, but how am I going to extend this to do Y”, and you have the next chapter cover exactly that.

I’ve been trying to approach this book without using an Apple computer at all. My main PC is a beefy gaming rig with three 27 inch monitors running Windows. Windows Swift is coming along, but doesn’t have enough yet for me to use it natively, but I’ve been using VS Code + remote tools into a Debian VM to write everything in this book, and I can’t express how thankful and excited I was to see you include how to author and run tests for the Linux platform. All your efforts to ensure cross platform compatibility have been greatly appreciated.

I was bummed to hit Section II because it still needed the re-write, but it was mostly cause I was having so much fun I didn’t want to stop.

Thanks for the book. My current job isn’t very fulfilling or enjoyable for now, and going through this has really re-ignited my love of Swift and programming in general.

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Awesome!! Thanks. Really enjoying the book so far.

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The book is updated now, thank you!

Please check out the latest version of the book when you get a chance:


I hope it helps!


When can the part after Chapter 13 be updated?

@sinduke the final release where everything is updated has been out for a while - checkout the link above

We appreciate how much work was put in for the Vapor 4 update of this book!
Will the book be updated once again when Vapor with async/await is released? I feel like that will be another huge change.


It depends on the scope of the changes. We may do an addendum chapter explaining the differences or a rewrite. Async/await is slated for Vapor 4 so everything will still work, you’ll just change from using flatMap and map to await. Vapor 5 will be the big rewrite but that’s a long way off yet