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I like the pace, quick but thorough, and the precise focus on the subject at hand.
But also the friendly speakers’ mood and the challenges

What do you like about the video tutorials at

  1. Quality of contents
  2. Delivery styles of instructors
  3. Up to date topics and materials

Love the tutorials, Love the new design!

The videos are hands on, regularly updated, and professionally done. I can’t stop watching!

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I hope I could win.

I love the videos tutorials and I really appreciate it if there’s a way to release an AppleTV App to resume our viewing.

I love the presenters. They make it fun while you learning and also i feel a sense they are engaged and wanted you to learn. Love Them and keep up the good work

What do I like about the video tutorials at I think that they are well paced and nicely judged in the content that they include. I find that I don’t have to pause them too often to catch up, and they divide the content into easily digestible and understood chunks - managing to avoid either dumbing the subject down too much or going so fast that they lose you.

I’ve not found a better place for video tutorials, which is why I’m happy to subscribe.

I love the tutorials. They breakdown topics really well, and usually each topic includes challenges to test what you have learned.

I’ve been fortunate enough to meet both Ray W. and Greg Heo in person at a WWDC related function

You couldn’t meet two nicer people!

The new video design and organization is great! I like the choice of calling them courses.

The video tutorials themselves contain a lot of information in a short amount of time. It also allows me to listen to the video and follow along at the same time.

I like that you guys always update the content, also i would like to see read your books in spanish someday.

As I am working as a developer, your content give me a helpful approach to solve many problems.

Recently I started to work in a new company and all the UI was built in code, then, your auto layout tutorial help me a lot to add new constraints and to understand how all things are working.

I love it beause they are the best video tutorial available for iOS today!

I appreciate that the redesign now allows you to mark your place in a course, and that a video will pick up where you left off at your last viewing. Good job.

Best iOS video tutorial collection/site just got hugely better with this update. Particularly excited about: “First of all, you asked for it, and you got it. You can now play videos at 1.5x or 2x speed!” :grinning:

Looking forward to the 1.5 and 2x playback. Thanks!

Waouw, waouw, waouw.
I dreamed of this, and Ray Wenderlich and his team did it.
This new video section gives even more desire to go there.

Next step : An App on iPad and/or AppleTV

There are the better, truly!!!

Fantastic content, great value.

One of the key features I enjoy about the videos is they break the ice on many otherwise complex subjects, which are difficult to know where to start on, they give a structured entry point from which to begin exploring the topic and trying more advanced or complex solutions that are built upon the basic ideas and concepts which are demonstrated.

I like the topics which expand over time, starting with the beginner and moving through the intermediate and advanced concepts as it helps to develop a deeper understanding of how Cocoa works generally and how to approach other aspects of the otherwise fast and overwhelming API

I also enjoy the fact that I can watch some of them in the bath, which you can’t do (as well) with written tutorials, a great, peaceful, way to get the subject matter

I love Ray Wenderlich videos because they cover the most ground of any of the online resources. They use a consistent format in their lecture plans that make for a solid experience for the viewer. I love the Challenges. They always help me understand the concept in a more concrete way. RW has helped me go from a complete novice to an app developer. I am loving the advanced courses