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What do I like about the video tutorials at

A great way to build good coding habits and insights from those that have mastered particular skills already.

“What do you like about the video tutorials at”

I love the tutorials - they are always top quality, easy to follow and provide great detail. I really appreciate that you keep them up to date with the latest versions of Swift and Xcode. Anytime I need to learn a new topic in iOS development, I search here first!

There has always been great videos/tutorials, but improved navigation, playback control, progress continuation!!! Great work. Valuable resource. Constantly recommending it to others.


I love how concise they are and how you guys always seem to have a tutorial addressing the problem I am trying to solve. Keep up the great work!

I like several things about the RW Videos

  1. They are not too long so you can get through an entire course in a day or 2.
  2. Just like the tutorials, when completed, they have a working application you can reference and to get hands on experience while watching the video course series.
  3. There are a large selection of topics.
  4. When friends or people I meet ask me how to learn to code for iOS, I tell them 2 places
    a. - the canonical source
    b. Ray Wenderlich - has tutorials for every level and topics

Clear, concise video and written tutorials in a pragmatic “How to create something like: x” format, that, at the end, provide you with a foundation to further customize and build on the app you just developed.

Videos are great. The explanations are clear, the examples are interesting, and the instructors are knowledgeable. They’re just plain good - that’s why I come here in my spare time.

The video tutorials have allowed me to see examples of many APIs that were both new and familiar. The video quality is great, and the instructors are very engaging

Wow… I can’t wait for it!!!

Very nice to know!!
Keep up the good work.

Three C’s: Comprehensive, Complete and Concise.

I love Raywenderlich videos, explanations are amazing even if don´t know much english I can understand it very well. I like the fact that you are always up to date and do not stay in the basics and the way you explain every whole concept step by step. You are amazing guys, keep doing it that way :smiley:

I love video tutorials because they are high quality and easy to follow. Challenges also are great.

More than any other site, the videos are comprehensive and entertaining. My favorite learning source.

One main thing that i like about the video tutorials at compared to other courses is how it eases the learning curve for beginners. The video tutorials along with the support materials helps in understanding the basics to a great extend from which we can build on.

Best tutorials on the web for iOS.

There are a lot of things that I like about the video courses and screencast in
0 Overall, Teachers answer my questions! That is amazing.
1 Clear, to the point.
2 Detailed.
3 From beginner to advanced concepts
4 Challenges and materials provided.
5 Content is up to day
6 Affordable
7 Quality
in just one word, Invaluable!

Fantastic idea!! I love this site and their materials

I like the video tutorials because they are clear and give me what i need. Thanks!

Like the colloquial “hey what’s up everybody” greeting - gives me a feeling like being home.

Like the in-detail, practice oriented topics - haven’t found this anywhere else.

If you use the same tooling versions, you can be 99,9% sure all examples work on your machine. An absolute time saver.

So thanks for all the good work and keep on going!