Introducing Unity Games by Tutorials!

I’m looking forward to broadening my skill set, and breaking away from an iOS only world.

I’m looking forward to learn how to make great games, including my favorite, tower defense!

Ohh I love Unity.

I’m looking forward to FINALLY getting started on Unity tutorials. I have stopped and started so many times…

Looking forward to improve my Unity knowledge.

Looking forward to is forward movement in the 3D space, then back and forth, back and forth.

Looking forward to instruction on just about EVERYTHING!!! :slight_smile:

Looking forward to not just making the music and sfx at the next Global Game Jam! My knowledge of game development has been over the shoulder or on the outside looking in. It’s time to start living the dream that I’ve always wanted to make come true for myself. Thank you!

What an excellent, timely idea for a book! Looking forward to increasing my knowledge of Unity (all I’ve done, so far, is attend a day-long Unity workshop).

Awesome… it was time… finally arrived, looking forward to really learn Unity for creating VR.

Looking forward to learn something new!

I’m excited about learning how to write games that can run on multiple platforms without major code rewrites to accomplish that goal.

Congratulations on getting this done, a pretty interesting subject indeed.

I’ve spent some time learning a bit of Unreal Engine, while at the same time wondering if I should have spent that time with Unity instead. This book could be the excuse to do that.

I’m looking for VR & make my very first game using Unity :slight_smile: with your great tutorials

Looking forward to learning Unity using well thought games

Looking forward to learn Unity and make a lot of games. :blush:

My favourite topic would be VR.

I’m looking forward for the VR stuff.

Looking forward to trying this out with my daughter.

Looking forward to get a grip on Unity (especially 2D) and hopefully some insights on how to integrate into the iOS infrastructure with Unity.