Introducing Unity Games by Tutorials!

I am looking forward to learning How to make Games for Multiple Platforms, apart from iOS.

Understanding the basics of Unity and game development

looking forward to build my first vr game, or even ar game

I’m looking forward to be able to create the game’s idea my son had

up up down down left right left right B A

I’m looking forward to making a 3d tower defense game! Ray’s tutorials are always so helpful and friendly.

I’m looking forward to actually creating a game based on what I learn in a well-written, practical tutorial. Too many books use cheesy, contrived examples In an attempt to teach game design…and if a learner is not engaged they will not persist and actually learn enough to be useful.

Come on tower defence!!!

Looking forward to the Tower Defense and VR tutorials!

what about a special chapter on how to optimize assets to reduce draw calls? It would be also really nice to have 5-10 min screencasts dedicated to Unity, same concept as you have for iOS

I’m looking forward to seeing if this is a development path I’ll “click” with.

I’m looking forward to learning enough from the Unity book tutorials to write my own unique cross platform game!

Fingers crossed for a secret chapter on the secret make million dollar game button on all platforms! Even if that chapter and button don’t exist, still looking forward to great info for a great start to using Unity.

I’ve wanted to learn Unity for a while now. I am excited that there will now be an easy-to-understand way to do that.

I’m looking forward to 2D with Unity.

looking forward to see a chapter of integration with social networks (facebook & twitter)

Amazing updates looking forward to get a detail content related to this topic in you next post and keep updating such relevant information.
Mobile App Development Company

Looking forward for some sick Multiplatform Programming to be one of the best in Germany :wink:

I’m looking forward a fun book to learn Unity