Introducing the iOS 12 Launch Party! | Ray Wenderlich

My very favorite book is iOS Apprentice, with those huge, epic length tutorials, building apps from scratch. Even today, from time to time, I go back to those tutorials to refresh some concepts.



Most looking forward to Advanced iOS App Architecture. An under addressed topic, in my opinion. Glad to see it.

I am interested in iOS 12 books!

I am mostly interested in Advanced iOS App Architecture

Thanks for the great tutorials. I’m interested in the Machine Learning by Tutorials book.

I can’t wait for the new ARKit book!

I’m relatively new to Swift coding. All of these titles look amazing, but I think the iOS Apprentice is most appropriate for me right now.

Interested in Machine Learning by Tutorials

I’m thinking about a Graph in my head for weeks now… so I’m really excited about the book: Data Structures & Algorithms in Swift, Second Edition. I hope there will be a little giving away especially because it’s already updated to iOS 12 and Swift 4.2.

Has to be this one: Advanced Apple Debugging and Reverse Engineering

Interested in Advance iOS App Architecture :slight_smile:

Definitely looking forward to Machine Learning.

Metal by Tutorials is finally out. I can’t wait to read it.

Looking forward to Metal by Tutorials!

Dang it, when does this endless stream of good books stop? You guys are costing me too much money! :slight_smile:

Waiting for Metal By Tutorials. A lot of awesome stuffs to do…

I’m interested in iOS Animations by Tutorials. Always wanted to improve my skills in this topic.

I am interested in iOS AR Kit2 and Machine Learning

Looking forward to Advanced iOS App Architecture

I’m interested in Advanced Apple Debugging & Reverse Engineering book.