Introducing the iOS 12 Launch Party! | Ray Wenderlich

Iā€™d love to have Advanced iOS App Architecture :heart_eyes:

Iā€™m eager to read Advanced iOS App Architecture

I love these books and I wish I could just hide away and systematically work my way through it all. For now though Iā€™m interesting in the ARKit book. I bet thatā€™s a lot of fun!

I WANT Advanced iOS App Architecture !!!

At least more mater than Design Patterns :slight_smile:

Machine Learning, need read too : this is so 2019ā€¦ And I dig Audrey

People of Ray, Keep going with all your good stuff.

(By the way, no discount on abandonned books ??)

Iā€™m mostly interested in ā€œAdvanced iOS App Architectureā€, Design Patterns by Tutorials.

Looking forward to Machine Learning by Tutorials as everyoneā€™s talking about ML.

Looking forward to the second edition of Data Structures & Algorithms.



Awesome! I am so excited about the pace with which RW is releasing new material. That 3 book bundle is an incredible value too!

Love ā€œAdvanced iOS App Architectureā€

Super excited for Advanced iOS App Architecture - canā€™t wait!

Iā€™m looking forward to the Machine Learning by Tutorials Book!

Am looking forward to Core Data And Machine Learning!

The push notifications book sounds very interisting.

I love Machine Learning by Tutorials

My favourite is Push Notifications. Push Notifications is the topic that I like to learn for a long time but donā€™t have time yet to dive into it, this book is going to save me lots of time.

Iā€™m going to buy all these new books, just curious: each of iOS 12 Launch Party Bundle books has Intermediate complexity level, while the whole bundle marked as Advanced. Multiplication effect? :slight_smile:

@slxl: Weā€™re assuming youā€™re reading all three books at the same time - thatā€™s what makes it Advanced! :slight_smile: Good catch, though, Iā€™ll adjust the store page.

Iā€™m so exited about Advanced iOS App Architecture book

ā€œMachine Learning by Tutorialsā€ is definitely my favorite. :smiley:

Learning Machine Learning (no pun intended) is essential nowadays - itā€™s not a mere hype, itā€™s the future.

Iā€™m very interested in the Advanced iOS App Architecture book (and Machine Learning :wink:)