Introducing the iOS 12 Launch Party! | Ray Wenderlich

I would like to learn more about organizing and scaling large applications effectively and so I’m excited for Advanced iOS App Architecture

Cant wait for Machine Learning

I am really interested in Core Data and Swift Apprentice.

I would be interested in reading the Core ML book!

Looking forward to the updated ARKit by Tutorials book!

iOS Apprentice, definitely!

Can’t wait for the new ARKit book!

I’m most excited about the Machine Learning and ARKit books.

Looking forward to Machine Learning book!

Super excited about the new Architecture book, along with the updates to the Design Patterns book! This is what consumes the bulk of my time when writing/ rewriting an app, and causes me weeks of agony trying to come up with testable, readable, efficient, and bug free code. Tutorials are for the most part focused on a single topic or technology, so when learning iOS development you never really learn how to structure/ architect a full-blown app. This will be very exciting to learn more about!


Can’t wait for Advanced iOS App Architecture and Machine Learning by Tutorials. All the RW books are awesome though.

One of my favourites is Push Notifications by Tutorials book!

I am looking forward to the Machine Learning by Tutorials book. :]

I’m interested into the new book Push Notifications!

Am interesting in Push Notifications, Advance Swift and design patterns.

I’m looking forward to Machine Learning by Tutorials. Thanks!

Yes, purchased Machine Learning by Tutorials. Yes, will be busy with all the updates for iOS 12, Swift 4.2, and Xcode 10 for previous books. Yes, can’t wait! Thanks!

I am most Interessted in Machine Learning by Tutorials. And I got my subscription already. Chears to all

I’m interested in The Advanced iOS App Architecture and Push Notifications book.

Hard to choose - I want them all! But I’ll go with Advanced iOS App Architecture :slight_smile: