Introducing the Game On Book Launch Event!

Looking forward to Beat ’Em Up Game Starter Kit

Looking forward to ARKit by Tutorials :grin:

Can’t wait to start ARKit tutorial !!! :heart_eyes:

Looking forward to grab those the tutorials!!

For me the winner is ARKit by Tutorials!!! :star_struck:

Looking forward to ARKit by Tutorials and Metal!!!

Looking forward to ARKit by Tutorials!!!

Almost done with ARKit by Tutorials. Super pumped for Unity Games by Tutorials!

Looking forward to reading: Unity Games by Tutorials, so that my Unity3d.Expert status can go through the roof and more skilled games development will be the result, along with more projects on JustinTime.Studio. I also want to boost my skills for Noah’s Ark: Splash 'N Dash, in order to make it more creatively and have a fun product as a result.

Wohoo… what an awesome book lineup!
And for myself the ARKit by Tutorials would be super handy in my effort to try in building a K-2 game of finding hidden objects outside on the schoolyard.

I been loving the previous books so far! I’m definitely insterested in ARKit By Tutorials. I have so many cool ideas to work on using ARKit!

Looking forward to Beat ’Em Up Game Starter Kit and Unity books!

Wow! Love the site and love the books. Looking forward to all of them. Especially the AR Kit!

I am most exited about ARKit by Tutorials!

I’m most looking forward to the Unity Games by Tutorials!

I’m excited about Metal by Tutorials!

Most excited for Unity Games by Tutorials

I am most excited about the ARKit tutorial!

Unity Games by Tutorials is the one I’m looking forward.

The particular book that I’m interested in is Unity Games by Tutorials.