Interoperability between MSL and C++ Libraries

Interoperability between Metal Shading Language (MSL) and C++ Libraries

I’m developing an iOS app and solved the interoperability Swift-C++ in the CPU side wrapping the C++ classes in Objective-C. But on the GPU side, I don’t Know if exists any way of call and retrieve data from a pure C++ class (not MSL). Since MSL is C++ based my intuition says that yes but I didn’t find any information in that way…

I’m trying to use libraries like CGAL or FastNoise to update a massive number of particles.

Thanks in advance!

Congratulations @caroline @mhorga for an amazing, well structured, clear, and in-deep book!!!

Thank you for your kind words :blush: .

I don’t know definitively the answer to your question, I’m afraid. I would suspect not, because MSL is only a subset, and would lack many of the C++ features.