Announcing 3D iOS Games by Tutorials Week!

I’m really excited, and can’t wait to complete the awsome tutorials

Wow - this is really unexpected surprise for today, so may The Force be with me to win this Book :slight_smile:

Sounds great ! I’m sure it’ll be another great read !

Wow, i have been waiting for this!!!

@rwenderlich, thanks for another great tutorial book on Swift and iOS!

Another one great book

Been waiting for something like this! Instant purchase. My goal for Spring Break is finish this book and 2D games by tutorials

Sweet! Happy to see this released :]

Wow, from the video introduction, this book is going to be awesome

Wow, yet another awesome tutorial from @rwenderlich is coming. The book and whats inside looks amazing!

And you did it again! I was hoping for more 3D tutorials and BAM!!! I can’t wait to get started.

@rwenderlich Any chance you guys are going to sell that package that you were talking about earlier? For the conference videos, book etc… Because we couldn’t make it to the conference.

Yay! Just grabbed my copy :slight_smile: Thanks for the great work!

Congrats on the new book!

Can’t wait to get my hands on this one!

Seriously was just saying this needs to happen

im interested in how you guys did the physics in the pong game
i already published 2 3D games already but ill still bought the book since we are never to old to learn new best practices, or new techniques
but i only fear you guys choose to release the book on a bad time
its only 3 months away from iOS X, swift 3.0 and xcode 8
so a lot of the source code in the book will not work after WWDC 2016
will the update to swift 3.0 be free ?, or will it be a paid update to include the apple tv ?

This book is great. I’ve waited so long for a good SceneKit tutorial!

This looks like a great new book – looking forward to seeing a few of the sample chapters and learning more!

What a great addition to the Tutorial line!