Kodeco Forums

Announcing 3D iOS Games by Tutorials Week!

Today marks a special celebration and release of a brand new book: 3D iOS Games by Tutorials! Check out the book trailer and what's inside.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.raywenderlich.com/1263-announcing-3d-ios-games-by-tutorials-week

Damn! Looking forward to this!! Looks excellent!

Sounds great! Love everything you guys do!

Looking forward to it.

Another quality book for my loot chest. :grinning:
Keep up the good work guys and gals!

Just bought it - couldn’t wait till Friday!

One more good book from good team

And if we buy it then win? And already have the other books… what then? Next one is free?

Note: buying it now… for a friend. >.>

This book is awesome!

Awesome! I need to get a copy of this book :slightly_smiling:

Wow, can’t wait to get stuck into this!

That’s amazing. Taken at the speed of light. SLURP !!!

Looks amazing! Looking forward to go through it!

Can’t wait to read it.

I really like this team!

Can’t wait to see the contents!

Just what I have been waiting for! I think this book, along with some of the others, will help me dominate the market I’m in! Thanks a trillion!

finally the book I was waiting for! :+1:

Cool~! Good Job guys~!
This is the book what I need!!

Thanks for not making another Hello World book. That is why I check back here every day. This site always has useful up to date content, not just ports of demo apps from previous iOS versions. Keep up the good work!