Your First iOS & SwiftUI App: Polishing the App, Episode 39: Connect the Leaderboard |

Learn how to hook up the leaderboard data model to the leaderboard view.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Errata suggestion:

VStack(spacing: 10) {
  ForEach(game.leaderboardEntries.indices) { i in
    let leaderboardEntry = game.leaderboardEntries[i]
    RowView(index: i + 1, score: leaderboardEntry.points, date:

should be (to suppress a warning)

VStack(spacing: 10) {
  ForEach(game.leaderboardEntries.indices, id: .\self) { i in
    let leaderboardEntry = game.leaderboardEntries[i]
    RowView(index: i + 1, score: leaderboardEntry.points, date:

Transcript typo suggestion: the parameter name in the test data init should be score instead of points.