What’s New In SpriteKit on iOS 10: A Look At Tile Maps

@caroline thank you.

My issue was in … the declaration of the Map in my GameScene. And the value of “1” in the user data. i don’t know how , but it was 0.

thanks you again :slight_smile:

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Do you have any news about your bug report? I have the same bug and it’s driving me crazy. I’m not using SKTileMapNode, I only have a bunch of SKSpriteNodes but I have the same kind of gap between my sprites. :frowning:

I have a game that uses TileMaps. There are 4 scenes in each game. It runs fine for the first 2 times through the game. The third time through it always crashes. I’ve used Instruments to look for memory leaks, and the leaks always seem to report “SKCTileMapNode::_ensureChunkForTileIndex(unsigned int).” I’ve tried doing “objectsTileMap.removeFromParent” before each new Scene, but it doesn’t seem to eliminate the memory leaks. I also tried “scene?.removeAllChildren()” before each new Scene, but that made the transitions look weird and still didn’t eliminate the memory leaks.
I’m new to using Instruments, so it’s possible I’m not using it correctly. Any ideas?

Looks pretty amazing.

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