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Video Tutorial: Introduction to CloudKit Part 1: Series Introduction

Find out what our CloudKit video series covers!

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.raywenderlich.com/3413-introduction-to-cloudkit/lessons/1

Hello! This tutorial is for iOS 8, and I wonder how relevant it is to the current state of iOS 10 or Swift 3? Are there any plans to update the tutorial? I realize that everything about Apple technology is a rapidly moving target, but I just cannot decide if I should invest my time in learning from this or should I better look for a more up-to-date tutorial somewhere else.

Any comment/advice would be appreciated.

I guess I will give you my own feedback (and answer my own question). For iOS 10 this CloudKit tutorial gets to be too difficult to follow. There are quite a few iOS 10 / Swift 3 CloudKit Grand Renaming changes. But thatā€™s not too badā€¦ I was able to muddle through with the help of documentation and Xcode autocompletion.

I also ran to naming conflicts. The project name in this lesson is called ā€œCloudKitā€. This creates a namespace conflict when attempting to import CloudKit. Swift 3 presumes that I am trying to import my own project and ignores the ā€˜import CloudKitā€™ directive. Therefore, I could not work with CloudKit API because could not importā€¦ So I had to do some renaming and other workarounds to fix the problem.

More problematic though, CloudKit now does not seem to be what it was 2 years ago. I was attempting to work through Part 4, ā€œSaving Dataā€, and failed with an error: ā€œCouldnā€™t get iCloudAuthToken from credentialā€. I googled, and tried all kinds of strange incantations and workarounds. To no avail.

At this point Iā€™m giving up. I think too much trouble for a fast moving Swift 3, iOS 10.1 ā€¦ This tutorial is way too old to be useful (iOS 8 vs iOS 10 are very far away). So I will have to try to learn from other sources.

Perhaps I will return when you decide itā€™s time to update this tutorial. Thanks.

Ditto to realLiveRobotā€™s comments.
I have an App thats about 80% complete and begging to use iCloud.
Please let me know when you/if you plan to update this>

Your tutorial is well planned and professionally executed, great job! However, our needs are a bit different than typical restaurant review, etc. type examples.

Our financial app requires users to share data amongst their workgroups via iCloud (5 to 20 people). We use Core Data and now use iCloud Documents but are limited to a single iCloud account.

CloudKit now offers shared containers and authentication so users can invite team members in a process similar to that used in sharing calendars.

Do you have any resources available that cover more recent features? Can you recommend an resources?


@vegetarianzombie Can you please help with this when you get a chance? Thank you - much appreciated! :]