Value of type 'Array<Any>' has no member 'photoUrl' ERROR

Hey raywenderlich community I’m new to this I’m currently doing a project. I’m getting this error and I’m not too sure what it means and how to fix it please if anyone could give me advice it will be helpful.

ERROR : Value of type ‘Array’ has no member ‘photoUrl’

The compiler’s telling you that you’re trying to access a property or function called ‘photoUrl’ on a type which doesn’t have that property or function. You have a variable of type ‘Array’ and you’re asking it to do something it can’t do.

This either means the variable isn’t referring to the right thing, or it’s not a specific enough type. Perhaps the variable currently refers to the array, but you actually meant it to refer to the first element in the array? Perhaps you need to cast one of those ‘Any’ to the type which has the photoUrl property you’re expecting.

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thank you so much solved my problem.