Sharing subscriptions

Just read the above mentioned chapter and where let number = Observable.create { … } and then calling several times subscribe on it produced different results. At the end I found myself simply adding .share() operator would show a different result … but it didn’t?! Why?

let bag = DisposeBag()

let numbers = Observable<Int>.create { (observer) -> Disposable in
    let start = getStartNumber()
    observer.onNext(start + 1)
    observer.onNext(start + 2)
    return Disposables.create()
    }.share() //share.(replay: 3, scope: .forever) works but why doesn't share()

numbers.subscribe(showResult).disposed(by: bag)
numbers.subscribe(showResult).disposed(by: bag)
numbers.subscribe(showResult).disposed(by: bag)

It still produces the same result as before.