Server Side Swift with Kitura - Part 18: | Ray Wenderlich Videos

Take a second to smell the roses and look at what you built! I'll run you through a test drive of your Kitura application.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

hello, David. Tutorial is great, everything works at my Mac, but no more works at IBM Cloud. Trying to test it in Postman with GET-request returns “Cannot GET /entries.” and status “404 Not Found”. I’m totally new to programming and can’t find the problem.

@dokun1 Can you please help with this when you get a chance? Thank you - much appreciated! :]

Hi @vilch - thank you for trying the course :] I’m glad you like it.

Let’s figure out what’s going on. When you deploy the application to Cloud Foundry, do you see that the application is running? Do you see the home page if you just visit the host URL without any specified route?

Get back to me and we’ll get you up and running soon! You can also reach out to us on - either myself or someone else will be able to help you there!

I still can see home page of my server at, but when trying to get swift metrics the page is “Cannot GET /swiftmetrics-dash/.”