Model JSON response


Similar to Modeling complex JSON topic, I have the next Model on my project:

final class Colegio: Codable {
var id: UUID?
var nombre: String
var codigoMaestro: String?
var rutaLogo: String?
var logo: String

In my controller, I have the next struct and function, which works correctly:
// WS para devolver relación de colegios
func colegiosHandler( _ req: Request) throws → Future<[ColegiosData]> {
return Colegio.query(on: req).decode(data: ColegiosData.self).all()

struct ColegiosData: Content {
let id: UUID
let nombre: String
let rutaLogo: String

What I want is that my web service returns the “id” property, but mapped with the codigoMaestro of my Model. I mean:
nombre = “Colegio”
rutaLogo = “Ruta al logo”
id = “Código del maestro”

It is possible to do this?

Thanks in advance!

@0xtim Can you please help with this when you get a chance? Thank you - much appreciated! :]

@frasco - the best way to do that would be to combine a join and CodingKeys to set the key. Docs on Joins are here