Mastering Auto Layout - Part 1: Introduction | Ray Wenderlich Videos

Join us for a tour of the Auto Layout features that will allow you to create universal layouts that work great on all devices.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Thank you son much, great tutorial Catie & Jessy… Advanced topics explained in a simple, easy to follow way… it certantly will improve the UI & Ux of my apps.

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Jessy with the fresh cut! Looking good.

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This tutorial seems little behind for Xcode 11 so it might need updating. When/if it gets updated I would like to suggest that you slow down when doing interactions with Xcode. I often have to slow the playback to .5 while you are showing things in Xcode and then speed it up when you start lecturing again.

@adhamh Thank you for the heads up - much appreciated!

Hello. How can I find the pre-requisite course to this video? (Beginning Autolayout)?

It’s been incorporated into the Layout in iOS course, as parts 2 and 3.