Levels in candy crush

It seems in playing candy crush that the game has the ability to download new levels on the fly without having to update the game itself through apple (new release). Does anyone have any clue as to how they are doing this?

I have noticed something similar with Super Fleets; they will update the game display and assets on the fly as well. If there is a tut on this I’d love to know where its at.

I take it nobody has an answer to this.

hi @dpalme,
I don’t know how these two games you mentioned are doing it, I could employ a couple of options, of which the one that is simple and you can start with is to have levels on a server like updates on the app store. The app can request to see if there are updates or download these levels if someone purchased them. Levels in this case are structured files that describe the levels and are saved to the device and read from there and rendered.



I’m assuming you would use something like firebase to do that correct?

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