iOS Photos Framework |

Build an app using iOS's Photos Framework, which allows the user to select multiple images from the device's photo library and creates a collage with those selected images.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Good class!

My only suggestion when this class gets an update down the road.

It would be great if the 2nd part had a little more white board presentations and class diagrams. I got the impression that Lyndsey was in a hurry to wrap it up and went quickly. That isnโ€™t a problem since I can easily pause the video.

Great example of the Observer and Memento patterns at work. The Memento pattern is what Apple has hooked into the PHChange API to allow DO/UNDO with zero effort by the app developer.

HEIC wasnโ€™t covered either and we quickly glanced over JPEG which Apple forces on you with the
Apple Developer Documentation which is required for the DO/UNDO feature.

I tried to implement PNG for my image format and itโ€™s not possible based on the Apple API.

Thanks Lyndsey!

@cupofjoe Thank you for your feedback - much appreciated!