Interaction between two distinct user types: clients and service providers


I would like to create an iOS app in which a Client user requests edits on a document by uploading the document, and an Editor user is presented with a consolidated list of all Client requests and responds to each with the appropriate edits. I am new to iOS development and am having difficulty understanding how to implement such data sharing between two distinct user types.

Specifically, how might I best store all Client user requests and present this data as a consolidated list to the Editor users?

Does this project lend itself to developing two separate apps with different functionality: a Client app and an Editor app which interact? If so, how might data be shared between these two apps?

Though I have been working through the learning paths and perusing tutorials here, I have not yet found an analogous problem. Any advice would be very much appreciated, as well as pointers to any specific tutorials that may prove useful.

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