Cocoapods for contacts problem

i just add coco pod for picking contact from address book…
but not able add…
if some one now …
pleasss help me…!

Please clarify: are you having a problem installing Cocoapods into your project, or this pod in particular? Or is this a problem with trying to add a contact?
Which Cocoapod is it?

Hello donpaul ,

just follow the below steps for COCOA PODS with an example .

  1. Open terminal

  2. sudo gem install cocoapods (gem will get installed in Ruby inside System library)

    or Try on 10.11 Mac OSX El Caption
    sudo gem install -n /usr/local/bin cocoapods

  3. pod setup

  4. create a xcode project

  5. cd “path to your project root directory”

  6. pod init

  7. open -a Xcode Podfile (podfile will get open in text mode. Initially it will be empty put the following line of code.)

  8. pod ‘AFNetworking’, ‘0.9.1’ (It’s finally time to add your first dependency using CocoaPods! Copy and paste the following into your pod file, right after target “AFNetworkingProject” do:)

DON’T do these after cocoa pod installation .

1.don’t open Xcode file . open the file named with workspace.
2.close Xcode before creating a pod file .