Chapter 6: Display error if user doesn't grant access

I disagree with the possible outcomes when the app doesn’t have access.

On first run, user taps on Don’t Grant in access alert box and yes outcomes are false-false-completed.
For subsequent run, IOS will not ask you again to grant access so outcomes are false-completed.
That means that skipping first (and unique) event, we are skipping all events.
Error Message will never displayed (“No access to Camera Roll”)

The iOS doesn’t ask the user but it still calls the permission callback with a negative value. For the app there’s no difference if that was a first or second try, the user might allow access meanwhile and then on the next try get a true in there as well. Is this what you’re saying?

I noticed comparing my code with chapter 6 final project , that I missed DispatchQueue.main.async in PHPhotoLibrary class.

Now it works as expected even if I’m a little puzzled, because in CLLocation API requestAuthorizationStatus is only called first time.

But if I understand well callback related to request status is called even on subsequent run of the app.

Yes, the user does not see any dialogue after the first time - the OS remembers their last answer and calls the callback right away for you :slight_smile: