[Chapter 5] NavMesh Bake button no longer in the Navigation tab with new Unity version

Hi, I am stuck on the portion of Chapter 5 that has you baking a NavMesh for your Aliens to be able to find and move toward the Space Marine. The book specifically states to use the ‘Bake’ button that is supposed to be located in the bottom right corner of the Navigation tab and NOT the ‘Bake’ button in the Bake tab. however it appears that the Navigation tab has been updated at some point and that option no longer exists. I tried the Bake tab button just in case but all the aliens still swarmed into the lower right corner as before, so I am a bit stuck here. Is there another option that I am not catching? I have reinstalled on both Mac and Windows and it appears on neither.

I have the hardcopy version of the book, if that is relevant.

@vegetarianzombie Do you have any feedback on this? Thank you - much appreciated! :]

I ended up going over to the bake tab and using that button instead. To be honest, I doubt that’s the correct way to do it, but it seemed to help get me through the tutorial.

I tried using the bake button in the bake tab, but it didn’t seem to do anything. The aliens were behaving exactly as they had before I clicked the button

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