Chapter 14, 'automatic()' is deprecated: Use SyncUser.configuration() instead

I am struggling with the replacement code.



sorry for the lack of detail. The reference is from the bottom of page 264, and the app will run with the deprecated code.

@freak4pc Can you please help with this when you get a chance? Thank you - much appreciated! :]

Hey both
In on vacation until July 7th but will be glad to assist after :slight_smile: sorry for the delay and thanks for the understanding !

Thx, enjoy your vacation!

@jamieinottawa Which version of Realm are you using?

I am using Realm 3.7.2 with xCode 9.4.1 is Mac OS 10.13.5

Thanks. Looking in the script you’ll notice the book currently maintains support for Realm 3.4.0 while the deprecation was part of 3.7.0.

In that sense, we will release a fix/update for this version in a next release and also updated @icanzilb about this issue.

Understood, thx for the update.