Beginning RxSwift - Part 15: Filtering | Ray Wenderlich Videos

See how to use filtering operators to apply conditional constraints to next events and only pass through the elements you want to subscribers.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

The course is awesome!!!

But sorry to be a crybaby. why ruin a course with so many references to star wars. Some of us have not seen it. And it is really annoying!

ignoreElement crashing the app in ios 13

@iphoneanshul Please let us know what error do you get exactly when you actually get a chance. Thank you!

Hi @jassi I’m so sorry I didn’t see this until now! I was asked to create a theme for the video course. So I did, and picked Star Wars because it seemed like a broad enough topic to use throughout the course. Sorry it was annoying for you and I hope it didn’t distract you from learning the material. cc: @raywenderlich