Are there any tutorials on learning how to do animated tab bars for iOS?

I always see these really cool looking tab bars that are animated (ex. when you click an item, it extends it out to show the name of that item, etc.) but I haven’t been able to come across how they are achieved. Is it even possible with just Swift and Xcode? I want to add it to an app I’m working on that uses UIKit.

Hi @rolovee and welcome to the forum community! I agree, the animated tab bars do look really cool. I don’t believe there are any tutorials on the Ray Wenderlich site for creating animated tab bars. I’ve seen many 3rd party frameworks (such as Ramotion’s Animated tab bar) that can be added to your project. It’s definitely possible to create your own animated tab bar with Swift and Xcode. I’ve personally never created my own animated tab bar from scratch but if I were to start, I’d look into creating a custom tab bar for my project and possibly using UIViewPropertyAnimator.


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