Android Architecture Components: Paging | Ray Wenderlich Videos

See how to efficiently work with large amounts of data using the Paging Library, one of the Android Architecture Components from Google.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

i got this issue in my project 06%20AM and i try solved this problem and following the issue same this one Update to 3.10 => Android 4.4 SLL Handcheck Error ยท Issue #3894 ยท square/okhttp ยท GitHub but its not working

anyone help me, please ?
am using github api,description&page=1&per_page=50

@syntax Do you still have issues with this?

yaps, this issue needed config more for https?

can you guys do a tutorial on network only with rx. cant find any decent examples of this.

@eoin_a Thank you for your suggestion. I will forward it to the video team.