Your First Flutter App: An App From Scratch, Episode 23: Add Spacing & Padding |

In this episode, you’ll learn how to make your game’s interface look a bit less cramped through the use of containers and padding.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

The text on the right ‘100’ disappears when i wrap the Slider inside Expander. Any hints on debugging such issues?


This sounds like an overflow issue. You can debug this with the Dart dev tools. Layout Explorer - YouTube

A fellow student at the RW accelerator bootcamp Flutter (autumn 2022) had problems with: “On iPhones, one of the Slider labels get covered under the notch when the row is expanded edge to edge in the landscape mode.”

The solution to that is to wrap Scaffold in SafeArea widget…
(SafeArea class - widgets library - Dart API)

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