Xcode Tips and Tricks - Part 8: Code Snippets | Ray Wenderlich

Create a library of code snippets which you can use for general coding or for giving presentations. You'll also complete a fun quiz using code snippets.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.raywenderlich.com/3199-xcode-tips-and-tricks/lessons/8

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Appears the Snippets references have greatly changed in Xcode 10.x.

@caroline Do you have any feedback about this? Thank you - much appreciated! :]

@stvsimons - the snippets themselves haven’t changed I don’t think, but access to them has changed. Xcode 10 changed access to the Media Library section. (I preferred the old way, but times change :smiley: )

On the Editor Menu, you’ll find an option Create Code Snippet to create a new code snippet. To access your already created snippets, click {} at the top right of the project top tool bar.