Work with Material Components |

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Hi, the project is missing the file which should have a TMDB_API_KEY that is needed for this sample project. I am unable to run this sample without it.

Same problem. Got stucked at the place where I started. :wink:

begin/ (No such file or directory)

Sad to see no update even after a week. Probably I should give up and move to another course.

This is frustrating…

Is not the first thing you do in the project in the video? See video at 1:01…

@aldominium Can you please help with this when you get a chance? Thank you - much appreciated! :]

Hi Please Help Im new to Android , I can’t get the the downloaded sample code to work on Android Studio

Im getting the following error

ERROR: /Users/rayderose/Downloads/P01E03 Configure the Project-3/begin/ (No such file or directory)

@aldominium Can you please help with this when you get a chance? Thank you - much appreciated! :]

For the issue, this is addressed in the third video “Work with Material Components”, specifically one minute into it. After that the project will build.