Where can i find resource folder for book " iOS Animations by tutorial third edition "

Hello All ,

please where can i find the resource folder for the iOS animations by tutorial third edition i have buy this book from another place but i have no resource folder , please can someone tell me or give me the link for download it

thanks a lot

@almass Thanks very much for your question! This is rather unusual as when you buy the book from us directly, your account holds where your purchases are kept, and from there, each book purchase can allow you to either download the book as a pdf only, or allow you to download the book, as well as the resources. When you buy the book, the purchase price covers both, the book, as well as all source code. Having said that, I will reach out to some people, and see what I can do to answer your question.

Stay tuned :slight_smile:

As @syedfa already said, this is quite an unusual and unexpected issue, so could you please tell us and let us know where did you buy it from exactly in this case? Thank you - much appreciated! :]

Hi @almass,

Did you purchase the physical book or the PDF? Please send along any receipts from your purchase of iOS Animations by Tutorials to chris@razeware.com and I’ll try to get things sorted for you. Thanks!

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