What happened to Chapter 16 ? (SwiftUI by Tutorials)


At the end of Chapter 6 in an earlier release of SwiftUI by Tutorials there is a mention of learning more about Fonts in Chapter 16:

“You’ll learn more about fonts and accessibility in Chapter 16, “Expanding the UI”.”

Excerpt From: By Audrey Tam. “SwiftUI by Tutorials.” Apple Books.

Emmm, in a subsequent release, that line disappeared but there isn’t any new material appended to fill the gap of what probably was slated for Chapter 16.

What’s the scoop ?

PS … the RW books are awesome!

@justinjngan Thank you for the heads up - much appreciated! I will let the book team know about this and they will get back to you soon.

hi Justin! raywenderlich.com published Part 1 of my SwiftUI accessibility tutorial today. Parts 2 and 3 are scheduled for Wed and next Mon.

I plan to adapt these for a new book chapter, using the book’s apps as examples.

Awesome! I’ll have to go look for it :slight_smile: Thank you