Videos Not playing in chrome and safari

Hope the old player comes back soon. I need my 1.5x speed and 10 sec ff / rw.

@kevinhh — hopefully the CDN issues will have been fixed by the end of this week. Apologies for the interim player.


Just a note for those of you who miss being able to watch videos at higher speeds. There’s a Chrome extension that lets you play Vimeo videos at higher speeds and it works on the RW videos hosted through Vimeo:

The videos play for me on my Mac (Chrome and Safari) but they have stopped working on my iPad (Safari). They worked last week, but today they play for about 10-15 seconds and then stop. Videos from Youtube play fine on Safari, as do videos on Netflix app. I’ve tried turning off the DO NOT TRACK, cleared history and web data, reset, etc. Same issue. Any ideas on why it would have stopped working on iPad (I even updated iPad to latest iOS - no change). I tried it on several videos and same result on all of them.

@jimg Investigating this problem right now. Apologies for the inconvenience.


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