Kodeco Forums

Video Tutorial: How to Make a Game Like Flappy Bird in Swift Part 12: Making It Work on Apple TV (tvOS)

Learn how to port your existing iOS game to tvOS / Apple TV.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.raywenderlich.com/3875-how-to-make-a-game-like-flappy-bird/lessons/13

Thank you so much for this video series! I really enjoyed how each lesson added one major set of features in grouped form so that the code to accomplish each feature was understandable. As I completed this app I was constantly taking note of features that could add “Juice” as you say to my own apps and how easy it would be!

Thanks! I’m glad you liked it. =]

Tammy or anyone else, is there anywhere that specifies the dimensions of the background and ground that were required to make it look right on Apple TV?

Hi , thanks for this great tutorial , i have one question , is the tutorial updated for IOS 10 ? I’ve been start yesterday and found some errors using IOS10.


Hi. You’re welcome.

This tutorial hasn’t yet been updated, but it’s currently in production. I don’t know when it’s planned for release, though.

Great news ! thanks , I appreciate that.

Hey! I know these are dated tutorials. I went back through them just for fun. Although now that I finished I’m realizing I can’t update any of the images. I brought them into the resources folder and it just displays a x in a white box. If this isn’t to far fetched I would love some help

@iosdeveloperisaac Do you still have issues with this?

@shogunkaramazov Figured it out. Thank you! I have realized that you can jump over the barriers completely out of screen? How do I stop that?

@iosdeveloperisaac Have you solved this in the meantime?

Unfortunately no, The character can still jump out of scene over the obstacle which makes the game obsolete :frowning: