Kodeco Forums

Video Tutorial: Beginning Video with AVFoundation Part 5: Overlays And Animation

You will learn about AVVideoCompositionCoreAnimationTool, and how to use it to add graphic overlays and animation to your video compositions.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.raywenderlich.com/4033-beginning-video-with-avfoundation/lessons/6

The tutorial was great and helpful. What I want to know is it possible to add an overlay which is recorded and not merged. I am thinking of a running stopwatch which is visible in the recorded video? Any tip how to do this?



Thanks for your detail lecture.
But, I have some error in Part 5: Overlays And Animation.
Merge function always failed when I selected many items (almost 20 items)

Session status is ‘AVAssetExportSessionStatus.Failed’ in exportDidFinish func.
And error code is that "Error Domain=AVFoundationErrorDomain Code=-11820 “Cannot Complete Export”

I ask for your help.

I’m stuck trying to solve the same issue. Did you eventually figure this out?