Kodeco Forums

Video Tutorial: Beginning Core Data: Series Introduction

Learn about what Core Data is and why you might want to learn the basics by watching our Beginning Core Data video tutorial series.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.raywenderlich.com/3200-beginning-core-data/lessons/1

I would recommend you update the title of this course to reflect that it is using core data for Swift 2.2. Given that Swift 3 was a major update to core data, this entire course will teach people how to use an outdated form of core data. To learners of a “Beginning Core Data” course this could be very frustrating.


Hi … For challenge documentation future updates for section “Saving the Full Person” :wink:

=> In: @IBAction func addName(_ sender: UIBarButtonItem) in function call:
self.save(name: nameToSave) must be added the second parameter, like so:

let saveAction = UIAlertAction(title: “Save”, style: .default) { [unowned self] action in


  self.save(name: nameToSave, address: addressToSave)

This tutorial dosen’t have subtitle.
Please, check it again.