User notification while in background mode

I am wondering if anyone knows of a method to notify a user, other than a notification window, when in background mode, and in particular in the “Executing a Finite-Length Task in the Background” mode. I have tried using haptics (vibration), changing color of the status bar, and flashing the screen (adjust brightness to make it flash). None of these work for me while in background mode. Perhaps I have a coding problem, but it is also likely that these are all disabled will in background mode.

Here is a snippet of the code…

func outputAccData(_ acceleration: CMAcceleration){
    let angle = acceleration.y * 90 + 90
    let angleString = String(format: "Angle: %.2f", angle)
    Angle.text = angleString
    if enabled == 1 {
        switch UIApplication.shared.applicationState {
        case .active:
            if angle > sensitivity {
                // vibrate if you exceed the sensitivity angle
                // Trigger selection feedback.
                // change status bar to WHITE
                UIApplication.shared.statusBarStyle = .lightContent

                UIScreen.main.brightness = 0.1
                timer = Timer
                .scheduledTimer(timeInterval: interval,
                                target: self,
                                selector: #selector(changeBrightness),
                                userInfo: nil,
                                repeats: false)
            } else {
                Angle.backgroundColor = UIColor.clear
                // change status bar to BLACK
                UIApplication.shared.statusBarStyle = .default
        case .background:
            print("App is backgrounded.")
            print("Background time remaining = \(UIApplication.shared.backgroundTimeRemaining) seconds")
            if angle > sensitivity {
                // vibrate if you exceed the sensitivity angle
                // Trigger selection feedback.
                // Keep the generator in a prepared state
                // change status bar to WHITE
                UIApplication.shared.statusBarStyle = .lightContent
                UIScreen.main.brightness = 0.1
                timer = Timer
                .scheduledTimer(timeInterval: interval,
                                                target: self,
                                                selector: #selector(changeBrightness),
                                                userInfo: nil,
                                                repeats: false)
            } else {
                // change status bar to BLACK
                UIApplication.shared.statusBarStyle = .default
        case .inactive:
func registerBackgroundTask() {
    backgroundTask = UIApplication.shared.beginBackgroundTask { [weak self] in
    assert(backgroundTask != UIBackgroundTaskInvalid)
func endBackgroundTask() {
    print("Background task ended.")
    backgroundTask = UIBackgroundTaskInvalid

func changeBrightness()
    UIScreen.main.brightness = 1.0
