Unity2D: Returning back to idle state animation problem

Since, I am a new user, I can only put two up-links, so if you could click here to read the full information, thank you :slight_smile:. So can anyone help me with both of my problems, which is:

  1. Returning back to idle animation once my player reaches it’s destination.
  2. And making sure that my player face the correct direction as it is suppose to. My player’s sprite image

Here is my code:

private Animator anim;
public float speed = 15f;
private Vector3 target;
private bool touched;
private bool playerMovementRef;

void Start () 
    target = transform.position;
    anim = GetComponent<Animator> ();

void Update () 

if(transform.position == target)
    anim.SetBool ("walking", false);
    if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown (0))
        Vector3 mousePosition = Input.mousePosition;
        mousePosition.z = 10; // distance from the camera
        target = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint (mousePosition);
        target.z = transform.position.z;

        var movementDirection = (target - transform.position).normalized;
            Vector3 animDirection = Vector3.zero;
            // Use >= to default to horizontal on both being equal

        if (movementDirection.x > movementDirection.y) 
            animDirection.x = 1;
            animDirection.y = 1;

        anim.SetBool ("walking", true);
        anim.SetFloat ("SpeedX", movementDirection.x);
        anim.SetFloat ("SpeedY", movementDirection.y);

        Debug.LogFormat ("X: {0}, Y: {1}", movementDirection.x, movementDirection.y);

        if (movementDirection.x > 0)
            anim.SetFloat ("LastMoveX", 1f);
        else if (movementDirection.x < 0) 
            anim.SetFloat ("LastMoveX", -1f);
            if (movementDirection.y > 0)
                anim.SetFloat ("LastMoveY", 1f);
            else if (movementDirection.y < 0)
                anim.SetFloat ("LastMoveY", -1f);
                anim.SetFloat ("LastMoveY", 0f);
            transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards (transform.position, target, speed * Time.deltaTime);