UITableViewDelegate methods not invoked in ios13.1

I have encountered a strange issue with ios 13 where UITableViewDelegate methods in my app (ie: didSelectRowAt) are not being invoked.

This has worked without issues in ios 9 through 12.

The table view is set up programmatically. I have the delegate and dataSource properties set, and the UITableViewDataSource methods are invoked, and the table view is populated with data as normal.
However, the willSelect and didSelectRowAt methods are not being fired.

Some information or guidance on this would be much appreciated.

@jas Do you still have issues with this?

Hi @jas,
providing some code that you are using will be helpful in trying to provide you with a solution on how to resolve this. If you are still looking to solve this.


Hi @jas,

There is one thing that is most common which causes issues. Please check if the function is didSelectRowAt or is is accidentally didDeselectRowAt which is what Xcode pushes in autocomplete.
