Testing in iOS, Episode 7: Test-Driven Development | raywenderlich.com

Test-Driven Development, or TDD for short, is a methodology to develop software by iteratively making many small changes backed by tests.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.raywenderlich.com/25842120-testing-in-ios/lessons/7

Hi there! I think the explanation of what is a KeyPath was a bit confusing :crazy_face:
The first time you introduce it in the video you already use the short notation with \.isNumber instead of the complete one like: \Character.isNumber (which I think would be a lot simpler to understand for a person who never used it before).

Anyway, I know the purpose of this video was not about it so you shouldn’t stop to explain, but I think it would be good if you linked another explanation video like you did in previous lessons of this same course :wink:

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Not sure if it’s okay to share links from out of the platform, but just as a recomendation to others, I found this explanation of KeyPaths a very good one: What is a KeyPath in Swift | Sarunw)

Thanks for the feedback!

We have a small amount of information on key paths in our video content, in episodes 3 & 6 of Higher-Order Functions in Swift, but it doesn’t come up in search presently—we’ll need to rectify that.

I’ve added a link to Swift Apprentice in the author notes for this episode, but your link is welcome as well. Sarun has a great blog.

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