SwiftUI Β· Using Bindings to Build a Settings Page | raywenderlich.com

I know I am up level from the course specifications, and it has worked pretty well up until the Settings lesson.
I would like to suggest on future videos, that there be a pause after typing to allow var me: SlowTypist {} a chance to stop the video at a place that I can type into my screen. Some of the movements are quick and then a scroll up obliterates it before I can see it.

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Hey @caflatlander! Amazing feedback for us thank you! Some of these lessons were getting long and I wanted to really show something useful that you could make so we had to cram in as much goodness as we possible could! Honestly I can’t type that fast either, its sped up just a tad! Have a great day. Laurie.

Just had this same problem and as suggested added the following to the ContentView_Preview and SettingsView_Preview. THANKS!!

static var previews: some View {

static var previews: some View {
