SwiftUI: Layout & Interfaces | raywenderlich.com

Learn the fundamentals of layout in SwiftUI, including Lazy Stacks and Grids, Scroll View Readers, Alignment, ZStacks, and GeometryReaders.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.raywenderlich.com/17314449-swiftui-layout-interfaces

This updated course is great.

It was really helpful to learn how the different types of SwiftUI views interact with each other and to learn how to add flexibility to view alignment. The chapters are short and self contained so concepts are easy to understand.

With SwiftUI it is really easy to do simple things. Complicated things are hard to figure out until you know how to do them and then they are easy too. This course cuts out a lot of the trial and failure cycle on the way to make hard things easy.

Watching Jessy navigate Xcode is a master class on keyboard shortcuts and other techniques to get the most out of the Xcode.

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