SQLite Tutorial: Getting Started

I think that i misunderstood your goal. I thought that you were offering a solution for the missing header file. I can’t get the project to build because of that which has me dead in the water.

Nice tutorial but I have been wrestling with something for some hours today
so I have this query “SELECT sdate FROM sometable” where sdate is a timestamp
how will I extract this? I tried sqlite3_column_text and the data comes out as a number and I tried to use the Date function timeintervalsince1970: but it gives me the wrong date

Any way, we could get this updated for Xcode 8 and Swift 3? getting tons of errors when trying to convert to swift3.


if you could update this to swift 3 and xcode 8, that would be great! thanks again.

I slogged through the tutorial and converted it to Swift 3 along the way. Here’s a link to the GITHub repository. Hope it works for us!


great tutorial.
I am getting an error that completely stumps me on this line:
sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 2, name, -1, nil)
The error is based on “name” and is:
"Cannot convert value of type “(String)” to expected argument type “UnsafePointer!”

Any ideas?