Sign in through linked in sdk

Hi, everyone

I am making the app for social media. this app uses linked in sdk for sign in. btw, when I use the auth, I can sign in. but when I use the linked in sdk, the app opens the linked in app and can’t return the original app.
I have followed the linked in developer tutorial, but failed to sign in using sdk. the sdk I used is li-ios-sdk-1.0.7-release.

Can anyone help for this issue?
The app is written by objective-c.
sorry for my poor english.

Thanks for your help.

if you can login into the Linked In App and the app is not redirecting you to your app then you should add this code into your AppDelegate.m

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application openURL:(NSURL *)url sourceApplication:(NSString *)sourceApplication annotation:(id)annotation { if ([LISDKCallbackHandler shouldHandleUrl:url]) { return [LISDKCallbackHandler application:application openURL:url sourceApplication:sourceApplication annotation:annotation]; } return YES; }

let me know how it goes

Good Luck!!

Hi, jecht83

Thanks for your answer.
I have already added that code to the AppDelegate.m

But I think this code doesn’t work.
Thanks again

How can your app know that it should be opened from other apps?

Yup URL Schemes, take a look at this twitter tutorial

URL Schemes Tutorial

So the code that you have already added to the AppDelegate.m file only will work if you enable URL Schemes

open your info.plist file and check if the URL types array exist or check the section of the twitter tutorial that is almost the same

if you check the LinkedIn sample app it has this URL Scheme li4277321

hope this time it works for you

Good Luck!!